How to Bounce Back When Life Derails Your Goals

How to Bounce Back When Life Derails Your Goals

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January 22, 2025

When it comes to achieving your goals, there’s one thing I can promise you: things will go wrong. It’s not a matter of if but when. Life happens. Plans get derailed. You get tired or sick. You might miss a workout, grab fast food instead of cooking, or feel like you’ve lost momentum entirely. And you know what? That’s okay.

The truth is, perfection isn’t the goal—progress is. Learning how to navigate setbacks is one of the most important skills you can develop on your journey to achieving anything, whether it’s weight loss, fitness, or building better habits. So let’s talk about what to do when things go wrong.

Step 1: Acknowledge It Without Judgment

The first step when things don’t go as planned is to acknowledge it. Maybe you skipped a workout because you were exhausted, or you overindulged at a celebration. Instead of beating yourself up, simply recognize what happened. Say to yourself, “I missed my workout today,” or “I ate more than I intended.” Avoid labeling the situation as “good” or “bad”—it’s just a moment, not a reflection of your character or worth.

Step 2: Shake It Off

Once you’ve acknowledged the situation, let it go. Holding onto guilt or shame won’t change what happened. In fact, it’s more likely to make you feel stuck and less motivated to move forward. Instead, remind yourself that one slip-up doesn’t define you! Progress is about consistency over time, not perfection every day.

I started really making progress both mentally and physically when I stopped guilting myself over an occasional, less than ideal choice. It made all the difference on my health journey!! 

Step 3: Learn from It

Every setback is an opportunity to learn. Ask yourself, “What can I do differently next time?” If you missed a workout because your day got too busy, maybe it’s time to schedule your workouts earlier or at a less hectic time. If you found yourself reaching for fast food because you didn’t have anything prepped, perhaps adding an extra meal prep session focusing on simple and easy meals that you can grab on the go could help.

Think of setbacks as feedback, not failure. They’re teaching moments that can help you refine your approach and make your goals more achievable.

Step 4: Revisit Your Action Goals

Sometimes setbacks happen because your goals or action steps aren’t realistic. If you’ve been aiming to work out six days a week but find yourself consistently falling short, it might be time to adjust your plan. Can you start with three or four days instead? Setting yourself up for success means being honest about what’s manageable for you right now.

Step 5: Celebrate Small Wins

When things go wrong, it’s easy to focus on what you didn’t do. Instead, shift your attention to what you’ve done well. Did you drink more water today? Take the stairs instead of the elevator? Every positive choice matters and adds up over time. Celebrating small wins can help you rebuild momentum and remind you of how far you’ve already come.

Step 6: Keep Moving Forward

The most important thing you can do after a setback is to keep going. Remember, one misstep doesn’t undo all the progress you’ve made. Think about it this way: if you got a flat tire, you wouldn’t slash the other three. You’d fix the flat and keep driving. The same applies to your goals.

When I started my journey to better health, there were countless times when I felt like I had failed. But each time, I reminded myself that progress isn’t linear. It’s a series of ups and downs, and the key is to keep showing up for yourself, even when it feels hard.

Your Turn

Take a moment to reflect on your own journey. What setbacks have you faced, and how did you handle them? If you’re currently navigating a rough patch, what’s one small step you can take today? Remember, it’s not about never falling down; it’s about getting back up every time you do. The only people that ever lose are the ones that fully stop. If you don’t quit, you keep moving forward.

Next week, we’ll talk about celebrating wins and why acknowledging your progress is a powerful motivator. Don’t miss it!

Need Help Staying on Track? If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, I’m here to help. Check out to see how I can support you on your journey. Whether it’s accountability, personalized coaching, or resources to help you succeed, we’ll find the right fit for you. Let’s tackle your goals together!

Did you check out these other posts in the goal setting series?

Part 1- New Year's Resolutions: Why They're Worth It and How to Make Them Work

Part 2- From Big Goals to Action Goals: How to Set Yourself Up for Success

Part 3- The Power of Planning: Turning Intentions Into Achievements