Every Wellness Journey Includes Detours

Every Wellness Journey Includes Detours

Posted On:
May 16, 2024

Last month, I had a new client join my On Demand Workout Subscription program after seeing me offer it at a nice discount in my monthly newsletter. She told me she had been looking for something to help her get into a healthy routine and it seemed like a great place to start.

For the first few weeks, this client was a rockstar. Not only was she completing workouts she was also walking and using the in app meal tracker to log what she was eating.

But last week I noticed that she hadn’t been utilizing the app like she had been the first few weeks. I reached out to touch base and make sure she was enjoying the app and what it had to offer.

Her response: “Hi. I did well for a couple weeks, then had some travel for work. My focus this week is getting back on track. The travel kind of set me back.”

Does that sound familiar to you? You do great with healthy behaviors like workouts and eating well  for a couple of weeks then something like travel trips you up? It is something I see ALL THE TIME, especially this time of year. And for me, who struggled for most of my adult life to get into a healthy routine and not operate on an all or nothing mindset, I can totally relate.

My response: “Hey, travel is a great part of life, so when you do it, enjoy!! Think of it this way....if travel is 20% of your year, 80% of your year isn't travel. And the 80% is what makes the difference, right??”

I think everyone gets caught up in the smaller sections of life rather than focusing on the larger picture and majority of their behaviors. Don’t let a small fraction of your year dictate your life. Even if your travel or other obligations is more like 30% or 40%, you still have a majority of time to practice healthy behaviors.

Plus, travel is AMAZING and can act as a powerful reset mentally. Going full force on healthy actions and eating 24/7 without breaks is a recipe for failure.

By the way, if you are wanting to be informed of exclusive discounts only offered to email subscribers, sigh up here for my newsletter.